Thank you all so much for your prayers over the past several weeks. They have been tremendously helpful. We have been able to wrap up most of the loose ends. Everything is on track. Jonathan and I (Bryan) are set to fly out this Thursday. This is our last Sunday in the USA for quite a while. I think that it is now just starting to set in. Heather, Rebecca and Will will leave on the 20th. We were very blessed to find tickets for them at a great price out of Orlando.
We already are missing you all so much and are looking forward to the time when we can see you again on a return visit. At the same time, we are excited that we will be able to start reporting on what's happening in Ecuador shortly.
Yesterday afternoon and evening, Heather and I were nearly killed or injured in two, separate near accidents. On the first one, a huge 1/2 ton pickup truck driver wasn't paying attention to what was in front of him and missed hitting us (from behind) in our little car by inches when he swerved past us at 40 mph or so while we waited to turn right at a light after being cut off by an overly agressive driver trying to do the same. The second, more scary, incident occured on the way back to Heather's parent's house. We were about 50 yards behind a pickup church that was carrying a sofa and love seat. Now it is only carrying a sofa. The wind picked up the loveseat and deposited it on the interstate infront of us as we were approaching it at about 65-70 mph. Thankfully, we were able to swerve out of the way. From what I saw on the DOT page, there were no accident reports after our near miss. We almost had a third (this time minor accident) going through a parking lot as someone backed out of their parking spot hitting our car in the process. At that point, we decided that it would be best if we just went back to the house. It sounds like the enemy was trying to take us out. This is a great example of how your prayers have helped protect us thus far.
Time to rest a bit before round 2...