Thursday, May 29, 2014

Moving along...

What an exciting time this is. It is also so very busy and hectic. The main challenge right now is to find balance in the middle of all the change. We have finally been able to get the house on the market to sell and have mailed out letters requesting both financial and prayer support for our upcoming ministry in Quito.

I have gotten a little bit more information about what our ministry down there will look like. I am to teach one class of Physics, one Physics lab, and two General Science classes. I am looking forward to meeting the kids that I will be teaching and to building relationships with them. Most are not Christians. They come from a variety of backgrounds. Some come from wealthy families of international business leaders or government officials; some come from the middle/working class; and some come in from villages along the Amazon river basin. What a variety. I hear that kids from 30+ nations are represented at the school. As excited as I am about this ministry, I am just as excited about the school's outreach efforts into the community to the poor and street kids and also to villages along the tributaries of the Amazon. I cannot wait to join with them in this ministry. Heather is excited as well to join in this.

 The support from friends and family has been great. Thank you all. If you are partnering with us through prayer, please continue to pray for strength and courage as we navigate through this radical change. It can be exhausting at times. To be honest, I am pretty tired already from getting the house ready to put on the market to sell and from sending out the support letters. Thankfully, Heather and the kids have been a tremendous help and support all along. Please also pray  that we will be able to raise the support needed ($2000/month total) so that we can respond to God's call. There are potentially some minor setbacks in that department. Right now, we have about 1/6th of what's needed for fully funded support. Finally, please continue to pray that our house will promptly sell and that we will have a contract on it from a buyer no later than 3-4 weeks from now.

I have been given an opportunity to share the vision for our ministry more in depth on June 8 at our church (Lolo Community Church). If you are able to come, we'd love to see you there.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Breaking News!

Heather and I are excited to announce that with God's help, we will be moving to Quito, Ecuador, in August to serve at Alliance Academy International (AAI). I, Bryan, will be serving as a high school Physics and General Science teacher as my principle mission. Alliance Academy International is a Christian, English-speaking, multi-national school that educates and ministers to nearly 600 students from more than 30 nations. The socioeconomic background of the student body is wide-ranging. Some students come from extremely affluent families from around the world, some from middle-class families, and some from extremely rural/impoverished areas, including tribes in the Amazon basin.

AAI is heavily involved in the community through various Community Service Outreach (CSO) ministries. In fact, all extracurricular activities are suspended each Wednesday afternoon to allow for the staff and interested students to go into the community and serve. More than 85% of the high school students at the school are involved. Through the CSOs, students and staff minister to street kids, orphans at a local orphanage, and the poor who live near the Quito trash dump. Other staff and student-involved ministries reach out into the surrounding communities--including villages in the upper Amazon basin along the Napo River (a tributary of the Amazon River) near the area where the Waorani tribe resides. The Waorani tribe is the same tribe that was documented in the movie "End of the Spear."

Quito, a city of approximately 3 million, is a city full of contrasts. While the city is striving to become an international city of commerce, there remain significant areas of poverty and need. Demographically, the city is divided into three sections. The northern portion of the city is the most modernized and affluent. The middle portion is the historical district. Southern portion of the city is the area of greatest need, the area where most of the poor reside. AAI is located in the central portion of the city.

We are humbled to be called into this ministry and are eager to serve. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us in our mission? In order to live and work in Quito, Ecuador, we will need your prayers and financial support. AAI provides teachers a stipend that covers nearly one third of living expenses. As full-time missionaries, we need to raise $2,000 a month to supplement the stipend. Bryan received a formal offer yesterday, May 15, leaving us approximately 10 weeks to raise financial support. We know that with God all things are possible. If this is something that you are able to do, please contact us for more information. Thank you so much. We look forward to sharing much more with you in the coming years!

Bryan and Heather

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Moving Along

Over the past few weeks, I have had three interviews with Alliance Academy International in Quito, Ecuador. It appears that this may be a good fit for our family should an offer come in the coming days or weeks. I think that it will. I have been told that following the next interview an offer might be made. Regarding the other possibility in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, I have not heard from them in nearly two weeks. I am interpreting this as God's direction for us. Heather and I feel led in the direction of Quito, so this may just be God's confirmation.

We have been feverishly getting the house ready to sell. The inside of the house has been cleaned and painted. The decks have been redone. Our belongings have been downsized but will need to be further downsized prior to moving. Some nonessential items have been boxed. The house is finally ready to sell. We will first try listing it ourselves for a couple of weeks. If we do not receive any offers, then we will ask a wonderful friend of ours who is an agent to sell it for us. Passport documents have been filled out and are ready to send in. I have also readied my teacher's certification documents for submittal pending an offer. We have established contact with the agency who will be handling the administrative end of our ministry should we go to Quito: Resourcing Christian Education International. The time table is getting short to be able to make the move this year, but we have prepared as much as we can at this point. Soon we will be drafting support letters to send out. We also plan to list our home as well.

Here are a few prayer requests as we prepare to make the jump.

1. We need courage and physical strength to pull this off. This is a radical change from the "known" to the "unknown". Also, I am a little weary from preparing the house to sell, though not exhausted.
2. We need to sell our home for a decent price in a timely manner.
3. We need to close the gap on the support that needs to be raised by mid-July.

Thank you for your prayers! They have been a big help to us over the past few months while navigating the process.